Reservation form

For customers making a reservation

Please check the price calendar for Nagomiyado Anjuan's accommodation prices. The price changes depending on the room type and the number of guests. Once we receive your reservation form, we will send you a confirmation email.
Sending a reservation form does not complete the reservation.
Please wait for the confirmation email to complete the reservation.

You can reserve up to six months prior to your stay.
Online reservations may be made up until 3 days prior to your stay.
If the date of your arrival is in less than 3 days, please call 0880-35-3184 (9:30 am – 9:30 pm)

Cancellation fees will be charged for cancellations two weeks or less prior to your stay. Please be sure of your schedule when making a reservation.

Reservation form

* = required

About your stay
Check-in *
Check-out *
Arrival time
number of people staying *
Adults (male female )
Children (6–12 years old)

*Even in the case of a child, please register as an adult if you eat a thing same as an adult.
*Unfortunately, we do not accept infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children.

Guest information
First Name *
Middle Initial
Last Name *
E-mail Address *
Address *
Telephone *
Dinner type
standard Kaiseki course meal
special Sawachi cuisine
Room type
[1] Japanese-style room (approx. 13 m2)
[2] Japanese-style room (approx. 13 m2 + 10 m2)
[3] Japanese/Western-style room (approx. 13 m2 + twin room)
[4] Special scenic room Japanese-style room
[5] Special scenic room Japanese/Western-style room
Other requests etc.

If you don't receive a confirmation e-mail within 24hours, please check your spam or junk mail folder.
If you don't still see the e-mail, please contact us.